Sunday 5 July 2015


 Entrepreneur. Industrialist. Manufacturer. Never ever before the entrepreneurship  boom in India as vibrant and as dynamic as today( 2015 ) . Young guns through technological interventions and cool ideas are founding startups. They are getting funds which have never been seen before. However, India has tradition of entrepreneurs which in their own way have carried the spirit of doing business which has been respected worldwide. One such achiever was Surinder Kapur who was a product of 1980s who died on 30th June 2015. With Japanese automobiles started making foray into India with Maruti leading the pack, KAPUR met MARUTI top brass & started a steering system manufacturing company( Sona Steering ) . In few short years, Kapur got respect through his quality & delivery standards.  Kapur also lapped up JAPANESE manufacturing practices. Total Quality Management, Kaizen, JIT……….all were followed by him. Also, softer aspects of Japanese work culture was ingrained by him. Kapoor relentless stress on quality products made him set  manufacturing  facilities in many countries of Europe. Kapur was also well known for his articulate thoughts on management practices and manufacturing sector. Surinder Kapur will be remembered for taking the entrepreneur spirit to next level as well as doyen of Indian automotive component industry. Larry page ( co founder of GOOGLE) has famously said* Always deliver more than expected * 

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