Saturday 18 July 2015

Quote by Fred DeVito * If It does not challenge you, it doesn"t change you. *

Challenge. Face. Brave. Valiant. Heroic. Champion. Achievers continuously have to face challenges in life. Serena Williams is one such achiever who has risen like a Phoenix from very humble background. Racism, belonging to deprived class in USA, facing insinuation that she is a male…..Serena has encountered it all. Also, when Serena begun playing lawn tennis, her illustrious sister Venus used to hog limelight. However, Serena kept on improving her game & has blossomed as among the best 5 female tennis players of all time. Off late she has been easily surpassing all opponents. Serena  has now won 21 GRAND SLAM titles in LAWN TENNIS ( as on 15-7-15 ).  Now , Serena is all time third on this list of highest number of grand slam titles. No women player in recent times has dominated tennis like Serena. Her consistency & mental toughness is amazing at the age of  33. Serena’s power game, athleticism and skills have fascinated the tennis commentators as well as fans.  Serena’s attitude and aggressiveness adds to her persona.  No wonder, winning has become a habit for her.  Despite fitness concerns of late, Serena has continuously won big tournaments with ease. Serena Williams sums up her winning theory in the quote *When you lose, you get up, you make it better, You try again *


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