Friday 10 March 2017


There are players, there are gems and then there are GODs.

There are teams ,there are champions and there are teams which make other teams look ordinary.

There is team bonding , there is team spirit and there is camaraderie  for sense of achievements.

There are games , there are team sports and then there is a beautiful game known as football.

Is there any sport that is as natural or as beautiful or as whole some or as complete or as more adored.

Actually football is not a game , it  a cult .

There is a champion player Suarez and then there is a  Neymar and then there is the God himself Messy.

Then there is a team which can rise from  any hopeless situation. Barcelona

There are teams that surprise, there are teams that excite and there are teams that  never disappoint .Barcelona did this miracle again on 8th March. (Barcelona 6 - 1 Paris Saint-Germain).

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